
Currently under development, Dancernotes is the third iteration of the information and content hub for dance parents and studios.

Dancernotes is the project that launched my web development career. It is an application that requires knowledge of the full stack, from UX to user accounts, requires a complex data model that necessitates careful planning and consideration of database format.

Dancernotes emerged from a personal need that propelled me into the world of web development. As a parent of competitive dancers attending multiple studios, I encountered the challenge of managing a flood of emails and texts containing critical information regarding our children's dances, costumes, and events. This inspired me to work on an application that could consolidate all of this data from multiple sources and dance studios into a single source of truth. Developed over years of dedication, through various iterations and learning curves, I take pride in Dancernotes, a platform that has simplified the lives of dance parents, including many of our friends, by providing a centralized source for all their children's dance-related information.


Dancernotes serves dual roles: it acts as an information management tool for dance parents and a content management system for dance studios. It consolidates information about classes, apparel, costumes, music, choreography, rehearsals, and events into one accessible location. Parents have the option to input data manually or connect with participating studios for real-time updates, class enrollments, and more, facilitating the management of multiple dancers and studios effortlessly.


Dancernotes has evolved from a static page written in vanilla Javascript that used local storage to tailor the user's experience to a fully functional dynamic web application with user accounts and user generated content.

Several parents at our dance studio relied on dancernotes each year to help them keep track of everything they needed to know for thir children's dances, from costumes to competition times and entry numbers.

The 2020 version of dancernotes has been decommissioned due to its reliance on the now-retired Prism ORM v1. However, my passion for the project remains undiminished, and I am currently developing an updated version.

This current iteration promises will be faster and more reliable, employing server rendering via Remix, and a revamped data model that will make the backend more performant.

Feel free to visit the site, login as a parent or studio, take a look around. You can also follow its progress on github.

Corey Hayden