Osmosis Solitaire

My family was a game-playing family. When we visited my grandparents, and on vacations, we were always playing board and card games. When we weren't playing together, my grandmother usually was playing solitaire of some form or another.

Fast forward to today, and of course I like to play the occasional game of solitaire on my computer or phone. But there was one particular game that my grandmother taught me that I have never been able to find. I didn't even know what it was called, and I began to wonder if my grandmother had just made it up. Finally, I discovered a description of a game that matched the one I knew. It was being called "Osmosis."

Still, even with a name to search, I could not find an online version.

The only thing left to do was to build it myself.

In the end, I was successful, and have a working Osmosis application. The biggest challenge proved to be not the game logic, but the creation of a consistent layout and animations of draggable cards. The remaining challenge I have is maintaining a consistent layout on the draw pile, something I hope to solve in the near future.

Corey Hayden